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16:00 - 00:00

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Molly`s Pub Quiz is back!

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“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, so make the most of today”

Molly`s Story

Molly was born with a flair for the dramatic, in a year she would never disclose and no one else could ever seem to document. Flaming red hair, and a banshee cry, announced the birth of a truly tempestuous Irish woman to all of West Cork. Her wiles, beauty and charm beguiled the neighbours, nunsand truly helpless young ads of Kerry.

Namesake of the famed grandmother of Muckross Hotels´ owner she embodied characteristics of both a free State revolutionary and an ancient Celtic warrior Queen. ‘Tis rumoured that young Molly was a bit fey, that is possessing a Celtic psychic intuition. Her predictions varied from the Titanic to the occasional Irish Sweepstake winner, however her cearest prognostication was of pubs, filled with Irish and
would-be Irishmen the world over.

Her spirit permeates these walls and influences the song, drink, food, dance and banter to be found here. We hope our Pub will transport you a bit in time and place. So relax, enjoy and raise a pint to Molly, who was fond of saying…

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, so make the most of today”